is a release-method which enables rehabilitators to release orphaned
juvenile bird-of-prey- and owl-species without their parent birds. If it
is done correctly, the chance of survival for the juveniles is high, at
least for most of them.
describe the method in short to give you an idea how it is done, but
always keep in mind, that
a) you
need a permission to do this
b) hacking needs specialists to do the job, so please DON'T try!
the nestlings have to be raised without imprinting them on humans which
is not easy. As soon as they can stand upright, hold their food and tear
it, they are put into the so-called hackbox (Have a look at the pic at
the bottom of the text!). They are fed there through a slot and should
not see the provider of the food to keep the birds shy. Once flight
training is noticed, the door of the box is opened. The fledgelings
regard this hackbox as their homebase, their nest-ledge and normally
always return there after their initial flights. Of course the box has
to be set up in the natural habitat of the birds you want to release.
You can now provide the food in, on or near the box as long as the
juveniles need it. You are their insurance to be fed whenever their
hunting attempts fail, which can take several weeks. A hard job watching,
sometimes taking a bird back up after a strong gale or thunderstorm,
keeping a watchful eye on other predators or humans who are too
interested what's going on there. But hacking can be very rewarding if
it works - and it does as many ring recoveries after some years and from
distances over 700 miles show with my released Kestrels. If some birds
survive it's worth the effort.
to enlarge the photo. Use the BACK-button of your browser to return!
1: The hackbox I use to release Eurasian Kestrels (Falco