have been interested in raptors since I was a boy. After years of private
ornithological fieldwork I happened to meet the coordinator of the European
Bearded Vulture Project, Dr. Hans Frey, who is also in charge of the
EGS (Eulen- und Greifvogelschutz Österreich) Center for birds of
prey and owls.
This is Austria's official rehab center for raptors.
Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus)
at the EGS Center (Click to enlarge, use the BACK-button of your
browser to return!)
patients have always been a major problem there, as they occupy their
aviaries sometimes for decades. I was offered the possibility to care
for some of these birds thus having the great chance of studying them
very closely.
1992 I have especially focused on:
- first
aid for injured raptors,
- releasing
rehabilitated birds back to the wild,
- handling
imprinted birds,
- pellet
analysis of wild Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo) and
- monitoring
of wild native raptors.