Raptor Rehabilitation and Research

 ! FIRST AID !        NEW >> "Rosie", the Peregrine

"Lara" and me

want to say THANKS to all the persons who have contributed to my studies in the past ten years, especially to

  • my wife and three children, who have never lost their patience however time-consuming my "hobby" was,
  • my sister and my nephew, who have always taken good care of the birds when I was abroad,
  • Dr. Hans Frey of the Veterinary University of Vienna, who has offered me the opportunity and encouraged me to do all this,
  • EGS Center at Haringsee for all their help, especially with the food,
  • Dr. Gabriele Schaden of the Veterinary University of Vienna for her interest and help in many cases,
  • Dr. Franz Appel for being a patient listener and for his quick help with the birds free of charge,
  • Dr. Anita Gamauf of the Museum of Natural History in Vienna for her interest and advice,
  • Dr. Tom Cade of the Peregrine Fund for his encouraging letter of advice and the booklet on "Falcon propagation" free of charge,
  • Dr. Lloyd Kiff of the Peregrine Fund for donating the fantastic book on Peregine populations,
  • The Snake River Field Station for sending me one of their publications free of charge,
  • all the raptor facilities and centers (+ their webmasters) that have linked to my site without hesitation providing great assistance for promotion!!
Some more pics of "Lara" and me in the fields: (Click to enlarge! Use the BACK-button of your browser to return!)
P. Mortem
Website and photos © Wolfgang Dolak, A-3943 Schrems, Dr. Friedrich Siller-Straße 26, AUSTRIA
Phone: 043/ 2853 76670 or 043/ 664 1707276
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